"A super refreshing Method and Perspective. I can not wait to integrate agile into our new business"
"A super refreshing Method and Perspective. I can not wait to integrate agile into our new business"
Join the Being Agile in Business Challenge!
Improve your efficiency, reduce stress and set a foundation for long-term success.
Download your Canvas and Instantly Transform the Way you Work using our FIVE Step Challenge
"I am still using my canvas and I LOVE IT! It is keeping me on track in a way that nothing else has managed to."
Lucy Cox, The Academe
Boost Your Productivity
in Just 20 Minutes!
Unblock your workflow with the Being Agile Canvas.
Get instant access and
boost your productivity, growth and well-being instantly!
Use your Canvas to:
"I took away so many amazingly helpful ideas to help me work smarter and faster with the help of the Being Agile canvas" Cassy Gadsby
Improve visibility, gain clarity, reduce stress and set a foundation for long-term success.
Download your canvas and transform the way you work.
Work Smarter & Achieve More with Agile!
Watch this video to discover how BEING AGILE can transform the way you work. Get the FREE Agile Canvas and start making real progress today!
Download your free Being Agile in Business Canvas
"I am still using my canvas and I LOVE IT! It is keeping me on track in a way that nothing else has managed to." Lucy Cox, The Academe
Does this look familiar?!
So often what we plan and what happens can be totally different.
Learn how to respond to change and manage the chaos!
Do you Recognise these Challenges?
Keep starting projects and tasks but not finishing them?
Constantly firefighting a list of to dos with no time to reflect?
Things always take longer than you expected them to?
Always writing lists but get easily
distracted by shiny things?
Struggle to clearly organise and prioritise tasks?
Get stuck in a loop trying to make things perfect?
Learn mindsets and methods to overcome these challenges!
Join the Being Agile in Business Challenge!
Start Being Agile for Free!
Instantly boost your productivity by
20% in just 20 minutes!
"I am still using my canvas and I LOVE IT! It is keeping me on track in a way that nothing else has managed to."
Lucy Cox, The Academe
Learn more about Being Agile in Business
The Agile Canvas is just the beginning!
Take a look at the
Being Agile in Business Course.
Get 50% off The Being Agile Course
use the code HALFPRICE
“If you are always looking for ways to make you, your team and your business smarter then I strongly recommend this course." Percy, Brita Water.
Apply Agile, Boost Your Productivity, Growth & Well-Being! Work Smarter
—Starting Today!
Join the Being Agile Course & Learn to Work
Faster, Smarter, and More Efficiently!
4 video lessons teaching you the Being Agile mindset and method and how to apply it in your work and life. With new resources added each month.
2 hours of guidance on how to practically apply agile techniques, tools and concepts with exercises and games.
Download practical templates, easy to follow step-by-step guides and resources to help you be even more agile.
“Thank you – one of the best training sessions I’ve been on in a long time. Really productive, pragmatic and helpful”
So often what we plan and what happens can be totally different.
Learn how to respond to change and manage the chaos!
Does this look familiar?!
There is Chaos under the Heavens and the Situation is Excellent! Chinese Proverb
Do these Challenges Sound Familiar?
Keep starting projects and tasks but not finishing them?
Constantly firefighting a list of to dos with no time to reflect?
Things always take longer than you expected them to?
Always writing lists but get easily
distracted by new shiny things?
Struggle to clearly organise and prioritise tasks?
Get stuck in a loop trying to make things perfect?
Learn mindsets and methods to overcome these challenges!
Feedback From our Attendees
'This was the best training course I have ever attended. The instructor had massive and wide experience and presented this well. Practical application was emphasised. Loved this, looking forward to implementing’
Fantastic course, looking forward to applying this in my work and home life. Excellent, practical approach, very motivational. I think the entire company should attend training.’
Thank you –
one of the best training sessions I’ve been on in a long time. Really productive, pragmatic and helpful
"Engaging Session, left me excited and motivated to change."
"I am going to implement the Agile Canvas - found this really clear"
""Engaging, allowed me to find my focus"
"Taken away lots of ideas to help me organise myself, loved the Agile Canvas"
"I am still using my canvas and I LOVE IT! It is keeping me on track in a way that nothing else has managed to."
"It was great to visually organise the steps you need to reach your business goals"
"Fantastic course, looking forward to applying this in my work and home life."
"Motivational - I want to implement it into my business
"Refreshing and incredibly helpful.
Thank you!"
"I attended one of Belinda's Agile workshops earlier this year and was introduced to her canvas system. Having ADHD I was super sceptical that my excitement for a new planning and productivity system would last longer than a week! I usually approach any new organisational systems with gusto, convinced that THIS will be the one that will sort me out, but 40 years on I was still searching and had all realistic lost hope.
Then I met Belinda's Agile canvas. I can honesty say that I still use it every day and it DOES keep me on track! (no one is more shocked than me!). I love how visual it is, and how I can move things around to suit my diary, energy levels and current interests. It helps me to proactively manage overwhelm, and I get a mini dopamine hit whenever I move a post it note to the 'done' box!
Importantly, it helps me to communicate (visually) to my team how much work I currently have on, and what my current focus is.
I'm seriously tempted to pin an Agile canvas to the wall at home to help keep my family on track as well!
If you have tried a gazillion different organisation systems and feel ready to give up, please give Belinda's Agile canvas a go - especially if you like colourful post it notes, visual tools and simple, intuitive ways of working."
Lucy Cox - The Academe
Unlock the full potential of your workflow with the Being Agile Canvas. Get instant access to the Challenge and start making smarter, faster decisions today!
This planning canvas is designed to help you:
Use your Canvas to:
Join the Being Agile in Business Challenge and Claim your FREE Agile Canvas
"I took away so many amazingly helpful ideas to help me work smarter and faster with the help of the Being Agile canvas" Cassy Gadsby
Join the Being Agile in Business Challenge!
Start Being Agile for Free!
Instantly boost your productivity by 20% in just 20 minutes!
"I am still using my canvas and I LOVE IT! It is keeping me on track in a way that nothing else has managed to."
Lucy, The Academe
The Canvas is just the beginning!
Take a look at the Being Agile in Business Course.
Get 50% off The Being Agile Course
use the code HALFPRICE
"Well Explained, Easy to Follow, Relatable. Thank you."
Apply Agile, Boost Your Productivity, Growth & Well-Being! Work Smarter—Starting Today!
Join the Being Agile Course & Learn to Work Faster, Smarter, and More Efficiently!
4 video lessons teaching you the Being Agile mindset and method and how to apply it in your work and life. With new resources added each month.
2 hours of guidance on how to practically apply agile techniques, tools and concepts with exercises and games.
Download practical templates, easy to follow step-by-step guides and resources to help you be even more agile.
Adopted By
Read the Book!
Being Agile in Business
"Your Agile in Business book is brilliant; the most clear and practical Agile book I’ve read so far. I’ve read a few in my quest to understand the approach and its impact on leadership." Susie Cole FCIPD
"The author knows her stuff. Since reading the book I have attended several workshops with Belinda to reinforce the learning. It’s worth the read especially if you are a SME. It helps with juggling and never dropping the ball again."
Read the Book!
Being Agile in Business
"Your Agile in Business book is brilliant; the most clear and practical Agile book I’ve read so far. I’ve read a few in my quest to understand the approach and its impact on leadership." Susie Cole FCIPD
"The author knows her stuff. Since reading the book I have attended several workshops with Belinda to reinforce the learning. It’s worth the read especially if you are a SME. It helps with juggling and never dropping the ball again."
Hi, I'm Belinda, the founder and author of Being Agile. I can help you to improve your growth, sustainablility, productivity and well-being in your work and life. I have over 25 years experience supporting start ups, small businesses and high growth organisations and my aim through Being Agile in Business is to share this knowledge with you.
Being Agile as a mindset and method was created in 2010, and in 2015 "Being Agile in Business" was published providing practical insights and real-world examples to help businesses of all sizes understand and implement agile principles.
The Being Agile mindset and method has been adopted by hundreds of businessses and thousands of individuals.
Adopted by
Meet Belinda
Hi, I'm Belinda, the founder and author of Being Agile.
I can help you to improve your growth, sustainablility, productivity and well-being in your work and life.
I have over 25 years experience supporting start ups, small businesses and high growth organisations and my aim through Being Agile in Business is to share this knowledge with you.
Being Agile as a mindset and method was created in 2010, and in 2015 "Being Agile in Business" was published providing practical insights and real-world examples to help businesses of all sizes understand and implement agile principles.
The Being Agile mindset and method has been adopted by hundreds of businessses and thousands of individuals.